Recent news
With the promise of a COVID vaccine becoming available comes the possibility of the chorus being able to get together to rehearse again! Let's hope they roll out that vaccine soon. Who will be the first person in the chorus to receive the vaccine?
A very hearty Happy New Year to everyone...
moreCCC will be going to Hawaii in 2021 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor!
Click here for more information
With restrictions being relaxed, we are planning on meeting 7:15pm Tuesday 23rd June at Citizens Park (W. 22nd and Benton) in Edgewater, south of the baseball field, where there is a pavilion and horseshoe pits.
The rehearsal will be outdoors, with masks...
moreThe CCC Feed The Fight team has been busy this past week:
Art delivered water and snacks to Lutheran Hospital
more20 April 2020 Rich and Elle of the CCC Feed The Fight team delivered 3 boxes of food and a ton of water bottles to Lutheran Hospital
moreSadly, but for everyone's safety, we have decided to cancel Tuesday rehearsals for the time being, until it is deemed safe to meet again.
We will not be putting on a show on April 11th, but we hope to put it on later in the year.
Everybody stay healthy!
On Valentine's Day (Friday 14th February 2020) four of CCC's best quartets went out and about in the Denver Metro area delivering Singing Valentines to loved ones, work colleagues, employees and friends.
4 A While, Cross Town Blend, I'll Be Late and Joyful Noise all had a great time. ...
moreOfficers from the 2020 Colorado Chord Company were installed. Certificates for past service were handed out and Art Momper was recognized as Barbershopper of the Year. Tyler Wigginton did the presentation on behalf of the Rocky Mountain District of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
moreMaking Spirits Bright!! This is Colorado Chord Company performing at Children's Hospital in Aurora. This is an outreach that we've done for the last few years, Truthfully, we're not sure who has more fun, us singers, the children, parents, or staff at the hospital. Truly a grand time was had by...
moreIn early December we performed our annual Christmas show at Arvada High School. We had several guests, including the Faith Lutheran Handbell Choir (called the "Praise Ringers") and the St. Francis Cabrini Choir. It was a great way to start the festive season.
...the Colorado Chord Company!
Also winning their Plateau Championship, with 35 men on the risers, singing "Be Our Guest" and "Bare Necessities" (from their June 1 Disney show) CCC scored 65.6 at the Rocky Mountain District chorus competition in Cheyenne, Wyoming on...