What We Do and Who We Are
New approach
Like many choruses, we used to go from year to year putting on a Spring Show and a Christmas Show. Renting a theater, selling tickets and bringing in a featured quartet was expensive and hard work. Then we found a different way...
Now we have several song packages: Valentine's, Patriotic, Disney, 60s/70s and Christmas. We rehearse about 15 songs for each package, keeping some we know and introducing new ones to keep things fresh. Then over a period of one month we focus on just one package and visit about 8 retirement homes, presenting a one-hour package with the flavor of the season. The audiences are small, but enthusiastic. They love us to visit and we love singing for them. It works just right for us. We try to make one of the performances open to the general public so that friends, family and people in the neighborhood can come and see what we have been working on.
Some years we also take part in the annual Rocky Mountain District competition. For that we rehearse two songs, with the aim to present our very best entertainment, singing and musicality to judges and peers from the Barbershop Harmony Society. In recent years we have won 'Most Improved Chorus' - Twice!
Merging Choruses
In June 18, 2019, The Denver MountainAires and the Colorado Chord Company, two Denver area Choruses, merged into the Denver Mountainaires Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society and will perform as the Colorado Chord Company. This merger has introduced new energy into all the chorus members and watch for some great shows to come as a result! This new Chorus plans to compete in Regional events going forward.
Chapter membership is 50 or so men, with several registered quartets. We pride ourselves upon our community involvement — singing to our youth and senior citizens alike. A typical chapter meeting will include quartetting, chorus work, and more fun than you can imagine. Many members continue singing after rehearsal in the worldwide tradition of 'Afterglow'.
Denver MountainAires History
Chartered Sept.18, 1975, the Denver MountainAires chapter was formed as an alternative to rehearsals focused on rigorous contest preparation. About twenty men had a vision of a chapter without extensive time spent on risers, with more emphasis placed upon quartet activities, and a more relaxed, fun meeting format. The chapter focus has always been to sing with quality for our appreciative audiences.
In the early 1990’s, the Chord Weavers quartet started singing at area junior high and high schools. It has slowly grown over the years into a strong youth outreach program, touching the lives of boys and girls alike. In the last few years, the Denver Mile High chapter and the Sweet Adelines have joined us in our efforts to educate, excite, and inspire our youth to sing barbershop. We hold an annual High School Quartet Contest and Summer Harmony Camp for both boys and girls, and more.
2025 will be our 50th Anniversary year, so watch out for special celebrations!
Colorado Chord Company History
CCC was chartered in 2013, so was a fairly new chorus. They met in Northglenn and did all the usual chorus activities of rehearsals and going out to retirement communities for singouts, as well as occasionally competing in the annual Rocky Mountain District competitions
Come Sing With Us!