Normandy France 2019
Select Colorado Chord Company members joined The Sound of the Rockies in Normandy France on June for the 75 th Anniversary of D-Day! It has been 75 years since American, British and Canadian soldier plunged into the waters of the Atlantic, struggled to shore and had to run across nearly 400 yards of soft sand while being fired upon by heavily armed Germans. The Germans had built strong fortiifications on the bluffs above the beach and has zeroed in the area so that every inch was a killing field. The death and injury toll for the Allies was awful. There are 9400 Americans buried at the Omaha Beach Cemertary alone. Members of our Chorus joined several other groups to form a chorus that was the sole singing group representing America at this momentus event. Some of the last living soldiers that attacked the beach that day were in attendance. It was quite an honor for us to participate. We sang at the Brittany Cemetary, The Omaha Beach Cemetary and in St. Mere Eglise in Normandy. We also participated in a parade through the town- the first town liberated during the invasion. Check out the video below to see more info on this great trip!
Final 75th Anniversary of Day Video